Guidelines for re-establishing grey partridges through releasing - ebook
Guidelines for re-establishing grey partridges through releasing - ebook
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A full colour digital version (PDF) of our essential 20-page guide.
✓ Guidelines for grey partridge re-establishment
✓ Tips and tricks - releasing
✓ Guidelines on rearing grey partridges for releasing
✓ Tips and tricks - rearing for release
✓ Summary of IUCN guidelines on re-introductions
The Grey Partridge Species Action Plan’s targets were to restore numbers from 65,000 pairs in 2005 to 90,000 pairs nationally by 2010, and to expand its 1990 range. Over the past 40 years, we have identified the reasons behind the decline of the grey partridge and devised a range of effective techniques for reversing its decline. The present guidelines provide specific advice to assist the recovery of the grey partridge where numbers have fallen below self-sustainable levels or where it no longer exists.