New eBook celebrates wildlife project’s 10th anniversary

New eBook celebrates wildlife project’s 10th anniversary

QUIRKY facts and breathtaking photos on hundreds of species have been compiled into an eBook to mark the 10th anniversary of a wildlife popular project.

Peter Thompson, a biodiversity advisor at Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, writes about a different species every month for the Trust’s website.

The series, called Species of the Month, has included detailed profiles on species such as a bullfinch, badger, golden plover, redwing, rook, seven-spot ladybird, pine marten and pink-footed goose.

Peter used to do a few short pieces for a parish magazine before realising that it could be transferred into a monthly project for the Trust.

He explained: “I choose species usually because I have recently seen them or read something of interest or they just appear in my mind and say ‘hey – you haven’t done us yet’!

“I usually have the basis of what I am going to write, but I will pull out a few books from my fairly large natural history home library and inevitably learn something about the species I am writing about. Sometimes, if I have the time, I pick a species that I only know a limited amount about – “Tardigrades” spring to mind – so that I discover a huge amount myself while writing the piece!”

Likened to a mini Gerald Durrell from a young age, Peter has always had a passion for wildlife.

He grew up in a bedroom filled with pots with things hatching, pupating and breeding as well as having a magpie and jackdaw as pets.

“You can see why my two sisters would rarely venture into this miniature laboratory! So, I think that I was always destined to work in the conservation world!,” added Peter.

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